NYC DPHH Photos Issues....
Hi Folks,

It was alright there. I find it foul how you diddn't put my pic there steve, you did take it though. Shows that you can be a real prick when it comes to putting up pictures of an event. It's all good though, just letting everybody know that just cause pic of them was taken doesn't mean it will be put up. Have a nice day asshole =D

To Anonymous;
I want to clarify a few things from your comment. Both Steve and Ashraf are VOLUNTEER photographers, as all of us who host/photograph/and run the website.
2ndly Steve doesnt decide which photos are chosen for the website, I do (Jennifer) so if you have an issue with the photographs used you need to speak to me directly.
3rdly there were over 50 photos that I waded through and chose the ones I felt were the best of the best. Perhaps the particular photo you were in wasnt sharp enough or too dark or whatever but your hostility and unnecessary attack on Steve is unacceptable.
Frankly, I am appalled to find such a comment left by any one of our attendees. Again I must stress this is a VOLUNTEER gig that none of us are paid and we do so out of the goodness of our hearts. And to advocate what a great and diverse Deaf community we have here in NYC.
I will not be in attendance for August's DPHH due to my plans out of town but come Sept, feel free to see me directly to discuss your grievences further.
Jennifer (& the rest of NYC DPHH Crew!)
i guess his balls disappeared before he could work up an apology. nice going, assholxxxxx anonymous.
7:46 AM
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